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Сен бул жерде : Башкы бет>окуя

башкаруу бөлмөсүндө телефон системасы үчүн тейлөөчү консол орнотулган

Убактысы: 2020-06-20 Hits: 101

Ningbo  Joiwo ’s   rugged   operate console  JWDT621  for telephone system  have been  installed in  a  control room.

Operator console center for telephone system with ip pbx server software.Usually based on pbx server, used together as the entire communication schedule.The operator console as a telephone switchboard and functions primarily as a telephone dispatcher. This operate  Attendant   console use advanced phone touch screen technology to make phone scheduling easier and faster.

Our customer  bought a total system from us and  shared the installation and application photos ,they said they are  very satisfied with these products.


We have  many years’ experience about industrial telephone  and  telecom system  research and we are professonal company which could provide the OEM service like hosing words,logo ,label ,color and so on.

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