+ 86-13858200389

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Inti qiegħed hawn : Id-dar>Kawża

Telefon pubbliku Joiwo reżistenti għat-temp ġie installat taħt l-art

Ħin: 2020-06-06 Viżti: 107

Ningbo Joiwo’s  vandal resistant  public  TelephoneJWAT203have been  installed in underground.The customer share us their application picture and tell us  that  the telephone work well, they are very satisfied .


Rolled steel material,with IP54 defend grade, full numeric keypad, 4 speed dial button  that when pressed will automatically dial emergency services to quickly put you in touch with help.  This public telephone could be choosen  equipped with or without lamp (ring flashlight)on the top .Once call is coming, the lamp will flash to warn.

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