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Halkan ayaad joogtaa: Hoyga>Case

Joiwo oo xadhig leh ATEX oo qaraxa ka caagan Telefoon ayaa lagu rakibay warshad dhuxul ah

Waqtiga: 2020-06-19 Hits: 98

Ningbo Joiwo ’s   rugged corded landline  Explosionproof  telephone JWAT811 have been  installed in  coal plant.


Alluminum alloy  material,with full zinc keypad and strong defend grade IP67. The telephone can handle the large temperature differences found outdoors, high humidity, exposure to sea water and dust, Corrosive atmosphere, Explosive gases & particles, as well as mechanical wear and tear, making it perfect for use as an emergency telephone.


Our customer shared the installation and application photos ,they said they are  very satisfied with our industrial outdoor corded explosionproof  telephone . All the telephones are perfect work well there.


Waxaan leenahay sanado badan oo waayo-aragnimo ah oo ku saabsan cilmi-baarista taleefanka ee warshadaha waxaana nahay shirkad xirfad leh oo bixin karta adeegga OEM sida ereyada hosing, logo , calaamadda , midabka iyo wixii la mid ah.

Macaamiishayadu waxay ka yimaadaan adduunka oo dhan, oo ay ku jiraan qaar badan oo ka mid ah ganacsiyada caanka ah ee adduunka, Oo waxay ka heleen dib u eegis wanaagsan.

Fadlan ila soo xidhiidh haddii aad wax dalab ah u qabto alaabtan.

SAXIIX IYO SAXIIX!Bixinta iimaylka gaarka ah & takhasuska waqti dhimista xadidan