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אַלע קאַטעגאָריעס


איר זענט דאָ: היים>נייַעס

טונעל נויטפאַל טעלעפאָן בראָדקאַסטינג סיסטעם

TIME: 2020-08-11 HITS: 102


Due to its particularity, highway tunnels have strict driving regulations.


In rain and fog, at dusk and at night, the vehicle width and tail lights must be turned on at the same time.


The control center or patrol car will quickly rush to the scene after receiving the alarm signal to rescue the wounded, clean up the accident scene, and restore traffic.


All personnel must quickly move to a safe area, such as outside the protective fence, service area, etc., and immediately report to the traffic control center through the tunnel emergency telephone system.


When the vehicle cannot leave the driving lane due to a malfunction or accident, or it stops on the shoulder of the road, the hazard warning light must be turned on immediately, and a malfunction warning sign should be set 100 meters behind the vehicle;


At the same time, the control center can also notify other vehicles of the accident location of the faulty vehicle ahead through the road information board and the tunnel cable broadcasting system, and issue warnings such as "no traffic" and "pay attention to the accident area ahead" to avoid new rear-end collisions.

Emergency telephones in highway tunnels are usually set at intervals of 200 meters, and broadcast in tunnels are set at intervals of 50 meters. Tunnel emergency telephones are used for emergency reporting. No dialing is required. One-touch calls are directly connected. At the traffic monitoring center, car owners can get rescue as long as they report the situation through the emergency phone in the tunnel.


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